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Fall 2024

Human Skeleton Sketch


Human Osteology

A lab-based introduction to the anatomy and biology of the human skeleton. Topics include basic skeletal anatomy, bone biology and development, the functional morphology of bones,
identification of complete and fragmentary bones, and skeletal pathology. Prerequisite: ANTH

A guy using a computer in a library

ANTH 5500

Research Methods

This is one of our core graduate courses that all first year Master's students are required to take. In this course we focus on how to develop a research project, write research proposal and complete a masters thesis.

Winter 2025

Human Skeleton Sketch


Human Osteology

A lab-based introduction to the anatomy and biology of the human skeleton. Topics include basic skeletal anatomy, bone biology and development, the functional morphology of bones,
identification of complete and fragmentary bones, and skeletal pathology. Prerequisite: ANTH


ANTH 4430

Advanced Skeletal Biology

This is both a seminar and lab based course where students will read widely, hone their skills with subadult and adult skeletons in addition to applying their knowledge using historic skeletal material. Topics include age & sex estimation, growth & development, palaeodemography, chemical analysis, population studies, dental anthropology. Prerequisite: ANTH-
BIOL-FRSC 3404H and ANTH-FRSC 3405H or permission of the instructor. Not open to students
with credit for ANTH 3430H


GESO 3932

Sex, Gender in Science

An interdisciplinary introduction to the topic of women & gender in science. How is gender
difference understood within scientific disciplines? Why are women under-represented in various science and technological fields? How are women, and feminist scholarship, changing science?
Prerequisite: 6.0 university credits including 1.0 GESO or WMST credit at the 2000 level, or
permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for GESO-ANTH 4932H

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